It was a gorgeous day yesterday so we took a drive out to buy artichokes at Pezzini's farm stand. The artichokes are especially good at this time of the year! I'd include a picture here but we ate them last night - a yummy dinner on our deck which we accompanied with a nice glass, well maybe it was a couple glasses, of wine.I love pickled asparagus so grabbed a jar from the shelf and quickly took it to the counter where Gary was paying for our artichokes and strawberries. When it rang up at $11.99 I thought Gary was going to have "the big one!" I was actually a bit surprised too, thought they would be in the $6 range.But they are sooo good! And it's always fun to get my husband going!
In February I mentioned that Toby, our adopted Bichon Frise, was having a dominance issue. Well, I am SO sad to report that despite many $$$ spent with agression trainers and our personal dedication to working with him we have had to return him. Bichon Furkids Rescue will be working with him to see if they can resolve his biting in home situations and then re-home him. He is now spending 10 days in quarantine before he goes on to the next step in his life.We were so fond of him and he is so smart. He took quickly to every training we did with him EXCEPT biting! And he is so cute! But with our flexible full time RVing lifestyle, which includes lots of visitors, we just couldn't see that he would ever be totally rehabilitated.We are devastated but had to say Good-bye Toby.

No, that's not Inky, the cat that lives under our deck, is it? (See September 17, 2008 Blog post) This is just one of the very large bobcats which live - and hunt - here at Laguna Seca. Isn't he a beautiful animal? While I was taking my photos he made a big dive toward a ground squirrel but came up empty handed.