It was roses for me and to satisfy closet chocoholic GET’a pot full of chocolate turtles! (Someone said that Valentine’s Day is only for the ladies. I don’t agree.) A few days later the roses had wilted and the red ribbon was saved in my ribbon box for use another day. I really liked the narrow oval shape of the vase. . .AHA! perfect for another beachy arrangement!
When we travel I carry kitchen storage bags to collect a bit of sand from the beaches. Inky was quite positive I was out on the deck to pet him rather than take photos of my beach sand stash.
Here I layered sand from Galveston, Texas, Orick, California and Jalama Beach, California. The shells and sand dollars were found on various beaches across the country and the long narrow stone caught grandson Jorden’s eye in Bar Harbor, Maine.
The chocolate turtles have been eaten and bright red cellophane removed and the terra cotta pot waits on the deck for its next use.
This arrangement in my kitchen is in a clear glass pitcher I found in a thrift store. Sand, shells and sand dollars are from places such as Maine, California, Washington, Alaska and Florida.
This beautiful crystal vase was another thrift store find and also contains shells, sand, stones and sand dollars from many states. I like to collect clear glass and crystal items.
The vintage Bauer pot contains items to be used in the future. See the little glass tray? Kelle said she couldn’t resist buying it for the Queen “B” of our family! Funny girl.
“The rose that you gave me has faded, and wilted away. But, the love tucked in deep inside remains in my heart forever.” Unknown