GET is a Native Californian who grew up eating Mexican food, especially tacos. I am a Native North Dakotan who, back in the 60’s, had NO clue about Mexican food so when I tasted tacos on our 30 day leave to California I was hooked! No matter where we went or what we ate I had to have a taco every day. He thought I was pretty funny.
And, my favorite taco stop that summer? The Big Do-Nut Drive-In on Imperial Highway in Inglewood. (Big Do-Nut was later bought out by Randy’s Donut) Another favorite haunt was The Red Onion on Hawthorne Blvd. with Linda and Clif. “I’ll have #1 please: one enchilada, one taco with rice and beans.”
GET and I on leave in California with our first born Rusty…that’s our ‘56 Ford. Don’t we wish we still had it!?
Last night I made tacos which included lettuce and tomato from my container “garden.”
Small leaf lettuce in a hanging basket.
The plant looks a little bedraggled but the tomatoes are delicious.
My tacos are pretty basic:
- Fry up ground beef, season with cumin and chili powder
- Grated sharp cheddar cheese
- Lettuce
- Tomato- chopped or sliced
- Ranch dressing-maybe sour cream too
- Taco sauce
- Optional: Avocados sliced (if the price is right and the store has ripe ones)
- I use flour and corn torts. I wish I could say I made homemade tortillas but these from LaTortilla Factory are pretty good! Fry the tortillas one at a time in hot oil (I use my small cast iron skillet,) fry flat for a bit, flip over, fry flat a bit more, fold in half and brown a bit. I don’t let them get too crispy but not too soft either. (Sometimes I just throw them on the gas burner and turn to soften and then fold in half. Of course this won’t be happening anymore because I now have an Induction cooktop – no flame!)
GET complained about the price of avocados at Safeway but agreed that they tasted pretty good. Nothing like a taco made at home with fresh ingredients.

First taco eaten in 1963…no end in sight! I wonder how many I’ve eaten and made?
P.S. I got so hungry for Mexican food while writing this that I convinced GET to run out to our favorite Mexican restaurant for lunch!
And a note: While I dearly love tacos, I feel almost as strongly about enchiladas, huevos rancheros, burritos, taquitos, tostadas etc. etc. etc… and don’t get me started on ALL New Mexico Southwestern food!