Thursday, February 01, 2018

Life in a RV…filling nooks & crannies

Cords snaking here, there and everywhere and the laptop propped against a chair, on the recliner, on the credenza and pretty much a tripping hazard!  That was GET’s laptop! (not related at all but YES, he is a diehard Raider fan!)


This is my computer desk but he had nothing!  Do you see the hook behind the chair for my purse?Another nook & cranny solution!DSCN0640

Our chairs are quite sturdy and have a solid stabilizing rung.  Umm, I had a thought: I could place a shelf on the rung for storing his laptop!


GET went in search of a board to use for the shelf and came back with a salvaged pre-finished shelf onto which we traced the chair rung outline!  DSCN0609

He then cut the board along the traced outline. Yes, that’s my picnic tablecloth! (RV’s don’t typically come equipped with a workbench so a picnic table often serves as a substitute.)


Nailed rubber feet to the bottom of the shelf in order to give it a snug fit and finally stained the one raw edge with a stain marker.


And there we go—GET’s laptop has a secure home! And convenient too since this chair sits beside his recliner .


A couple of my other “nook & cranny” storage areas:

Shoe holder for cleaning supplies in the narrow space beside the washer/dryer.


Wine glass racks in both corners under the living room cabinet.


Excuse me while I nose around for a nook or cranny for more of my books or sweatshirts or ???.