Friday, October 28, 2011

Where did Halloween creativity go?

Yesterday while I was buying “Trick or Treats” to mail to Stanley, Mary and Will in Fresno I noticed several aisles displaying hundreds of Halloween costumes.  And they weren’t cheap!   I can only imagine what families with several children must be spending on costumes.

Gosh, I must be getting old!  Where are the days when people and kids actually created their costumes?  When my three were growing up I kept a big box full of all kinds of piece-parts for costumes.  After Russ, Gary and Kelle decided what they wanted to “BE” they would dump the box out onto the family room floor and chose from the many items to create their costume.  If need be, we would head out to the fabric store to purchase additional items to finish out their costumes. After Halloween these new fixings would be added to the box. 

A few years later, when he was about two, I made grandson Jorden into a bright yellow M&M.  Wish I had the pictures with me to show you; I’m not at home this week and have only the photos on my laptop and flash drive to chose from. 

Seemed that they got almost as much pleasure in creating their costume as they did in the actual Trick or Treating event.  Yes, of course, they did LOVE getting all that candy!

That’s me on far right, Gary is second from left sometime in the 70’s. Our costumes were also created from the “Halloween box.”


Kelle and her brother (Was it Russ or Gary? I can’t tell!)1978-March-01

Gary and I.  My “wig” was a floor mop dyed red. Yes, Gary is in dyed red long-johns!


Grandson Jorden- “The Nerd”


When the kids were all costumed and ready to go out trick or treating they grabbed a grocery bag or pillow case for their stash.  This morning on the Today Show a guest stated:  “It’s over with the paper bags” and displayed various fancy trick or treat containers which seem to be the current must have.

Yeah! At least some people are still doing hand-made costumes. Bobbie Thomas of the Today Show has some ideas:  Loved the Smurfs and Holy Cow and Deviled Egg!

I also found this site with some cute ideas: Bearded Circus Lady and Cute as a Button seem easy and fun.

OK, so creativity is not entirely dead, just lying low.

I do love how Jack O Lantern carving has taken a creative turn.  Now, in addition to the traditional “mouth with teeth, triangle nose and eyes:”

imagesCAVYE4F7 traditional

creativity has taken jack 0 lanterns to whole new level:

images jack o lantern unusual

untitled jack o lantern 3

images jack o lantern

Happy Halloween!

untitled jack o lantern group


Saturday, October 22, 2011

A thought on a Friday afternoon

Or rather, a lack of thoughts on a Friday afternoon!

thumbnailCAUGRA8B quill

I was browsing through the “Famous Quotes” app on my IPhone today and saw this quote by William Makepeace Thackeray:

“There are a thousand thoughts lying within a man that he does not know till he takes up a pen to write.” 

Well, taking up the pen; or, in this case, placing fingers on my laptop keyboard hasn’t  brought my thousand thoughts to mind lately!

thumbnailCAHZGWTT hands on white laptop

Maybe it is let-down writer’s block caused by thirteen months on the road!  I’m sure I will recover.

Happy Friday everyone!

Friday, October 07, 2011

My Fresno Five. . .how DO they keep up?

This is a recent E mail from daughter-in-law Denise.  In addition to the small slice of life in this re-cap she is a Special Ed Teacher and our son, Russ, is busy with his job.  Oh yes, there are also two active Jack Russell terriers in the mix!


From left, Stanley, athlete extraordinaire, Mary, cheerleader and all around girly-girl, Will, just a character!

Friday: 2:30: Stanley is starting QB for Eaton Eagles Flag Football team. They played the #1 school (the GATE school) Our Eagles scored 4 touchdowns in their proud defeat. Stanley had his first bloody, busted lip. his friends ran up to me......Stanley lost a tooth! Thank goodness that wasn't true.

Friday: 3:30: Mom sold snow cones at Powers-Ginsburg Carnival and purchased home made tamales for Dad.

Friday: 7:00: Mary cheered at High School game for Hoover Patriots. The girls even danced on the field at half-time. Awesome job Lil' Pates!

Friday: 10:00: Dad to bed, Mom with feet up and kids playing (are you kidding me?)

Saturday:7:30 : Stanley and Mom to soccer game/ Stan played goalie. Mom held her breathe for two straight 20 min. periods. We lost by one. Our boy did a good job.

Saturday: 8:00: William, Mary, Kylee and Dad head to Wills soccer game. Tie. But they got donuts on the we will call it a win.

Saturday: 11:00: Mary and Mom to Allison's shower. Very nice luncheon, Grandma Lisa made cakes and cookies with Aubree's name in icing. Cute cupcakes she made into rattles uses plastic shovel handles. Creative points there. Good turnout and lots of cute goodies for baby. (Grandma Mary would love all the Oakland A's attire) Mary almost won a game. She did make out with all the balloons.

Saturday: 4:00: Thomas family loads up and heads to Sanger. Mary and her crew, cheer their hearts out for the often defeated Lil Pates. We listen to Fresno State Bulldog game on radio driving home.

Saturday: 8:00: Pizza

Saturday: 9:00: Bed

Sunday: 1:00: Stanley's "bad news bears" baseball team only loses by one run to his old coach's team. A moral victory.

Sunday: 3:00: Mom's birthday dinner out..........yummy! Chicken coconut soup, favorite food on the planet!

Sunday: 5:00: Dad and Stanley jump fence at school and play tennis while Mary and Wills flag down Ice cream truck. Mom watches.....smiling

Sunday: 7:00: Mom writes birthday Thank you notes.

Sunday: 9:30: Everyone full of popcorn and showered. Resting at last. Mom hits computer!

Our lives our full of blessings. Even if we are a bit stressed and fatigued at times. 

Oh how I remember the days of baseball, scouts, gymnastics, football, 4-H, cheerleading, band, church, that Gary and I were involved in with our three and, as she states at the end, we were also fatigued and stressed much of the time. Brings back wonderful memories and also makes me tired! Thank goodness I am now the Grammie who can relax and enjoy.


Our three in the 1970’s, these California kids didn’t see snow up close very often:  Russ, now Dad to the above, Kelle “Mom” to two cats, and Gary, Dad to Jorden.