Monday, December 23, 2013

WHAATT? A name change for prunes!

I’m a big fan of The Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond and recently re-read her Ten Important Things I’ve Learned about Blogging.  Number 5 has a sentence: “I’ve found, over time, that I tend to blog about the same things I’d talk to my sister about.”

While I am not longer able to actually talk to my sister Micki;  we, including our sister-in-law Lee did have quite a talk about prunes and dried plums before Micki passed away last month.  She was taking very strong pain medications, which, if you didn’t know, cause constipation so we were buying prunes in large sized containers/bags.  And they seemed to help her!


I happened to look at the large bag one day and noticed that one of the bags did not say Prunes.DSCN9398

It was labeled (in very small print dried) Plums! PLUMS? Ah, are they trying to change the image of prunes?  Yes, of course!  I even found a website dedicated to dried plums with nary a mention to prunes:  It does have a section which states “California Dried Plums are one of the best natural constipation remedies.”

Well, ok then, dried Plums it is!  (As for me, no matter what they call them I still don’t like ‘em.)


Mom, my sister and I.  Man oh man, do I miss both of them!


I will continue writing about subjects which she and I (and yes, Lee too) would talk about.

1 comment:

  1. Now, prunes (or plums) are something I like. Since the other person who shares the house is not so fond of them, I don't buy them frequently. And so far I haven't needed them for their gastronomical benefits...

    Merry Christmas, by the way! Thanks for visiting my thrifty site!
